I’m an independent researcher with no university
affiliation. But because I regularly publish in peer-reviewed scientific
journals I get daily spam from sketchy “journals” asking me to contribute a
paper. The pitch is often agrammatical and weirdly formal (“Dear esteemed gracious
professor”). They go right to the trash folder.
However, I got one a week ago that has me thinking seriously about a response.
Dear Dr. Gilbert,
An exciting mega Science journal, “Current Chinese Science”
is launched this year by Bentham Science Publishers. The Nobel Laureate Prof.
Ferid Murad and 43 Academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences have already
joined as Honorary Senior Advisors of this exciting new mega Science Journal.
Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman FRS (UNESCO Science Laureate and Academician Chinese
Academy of Sciences) is the Editor-in-Chief of this Journal
Current Chinese Science is not limited to a specific field
but instead covers all major fields of science, technology, and medicine,
through dedicated sections. The Journal is currently in the process of
appointing Section Editors in various disciplines. In this connection, we would like to invite
you to join as section Editor in one of the following disciplines. If you agree to this, please kindly send us
your complete CV and a list of your recent publications along with the name of
the discipline and sub-section, so that we can send your CV for
Editor-in-Chief’s consideration.
1. Aerospace
2. Analytical
(. . . / . . .)
24. Pharmacology
25. Structural
Your responsibilities, if you accept, would entail
soliciting one thematic issue each year in a hot area of the journal.
We need the abstract of the thematic issue with a proposed
list of authors within 4 months of the appointment of each Section Editor.
Section Editors are also expected to occasionally solicit/contribute review
We look forward to hearing from you in this regard.
Hasan Khan
Editorial Manager
Current Chinese Science
This sounds like too good a deal to pass up. Here’s the
reply I drafted:
Dear Mr. Khan,
Thank you for your invitation to become a Section Editor for
Current Chinese Science.
I have several exciting ideas for thematic issues in hot areas.
1. Research under constraints: Effects of criminal
indictment on productivity of scientists associated with the Thousand Talents
Proposed contributors:
Dr. Charles Lieber, Joshua and Beth Friedman University
Professor and former chairman of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University
Dr. Qing Wang, formerly of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Dr. Simon Saw-Teong Ang, a professor and researcher at the
University of Arkansas-Fayetteville
Dr. Xiao-Jiang Li, formerly of Emory University
Dr. Anming Hu, formerly in the Department of Mechanical,
Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Tennessee
2. Organs from executed donors: Is the Chinese transplantation experience a useful model for the West?
3. The “Fee for Service” Solution to “Publish or Perish”
Proposed contributors:
Hoping to recruit numerous authors from The Jining First People’s Hospital in Shandong province or whichever paper mill churns
out clinical papers for their staff.
Looking forward to your reply.
UPDATE June 19, 2021
Well, here’s some good local news.