A “super moon” is illuminating the battered roof of FirstNerve Manor and casting such a bright light on the weedy grounds that our lively rodent population is reluctant to venture out. So are we, frankly, yet we had to stagger to the utility shed and hand-crank the generator so we’d have enough current to keep our Toshiba T1100 lit. We take our ISDP deadlines super cereal.
For this month’s round up we begin in the Northeast: “Human Head Discovered In Hempstead Yard.” Hempstead, Long Island, that is, where a passerby who smelled a stench helped discover a decaying human head inside a bag hidden by bushes on a residential yard. Neighbors had noticed a “terrible smell” and a “horrific odor” for days but were reluctant to investigate because two human arms were found in the area the week before. [Say what?—Ed.]
Over in Waterbury, Connecticut, the decomposing remains of a man were found in the woods at the end of a dirt road “after neighbors reported a foul odor.” Results of an autopsy are pending.
Down in lovely Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, residents of a gated community reported a foul odor coming from a home. Firemen who responded to the call saw water pouring down through a ceiling and found a man’s body in the garage. Results of an autopsy are, as they say, pending.
Being from the Bay Area, this headline had us thinking of San Francisco and noir-style detective stories: “Foul smell leads police to dead man in Mission.” But the Mission in question is the Texas town on the Mexican border, where “a body was found after an officer smelled a foul odor” late on the afternoon of July 15. The body appears to be that of a 23-year-old man from El Salvador.

Jarrod Nicholas Tutko
We have a new pair of nominees for the 2014 Norman Bates Award™: Mr. and Mrs. Jarrod Tutko of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The couple had six children ranging in age from three to thirteen, “several of whom suffer from serious medical conditions, including one who is deaf.” One son was confined to a room on the third floor of the family’s house because he was mentally disabled and extremely difficult to control. His father was responsible for his care, while his mother, Kimberly, took care of the other children including a bed-ridden daughter who required around-the-clock care. On a Friday night Kimberly noticed a “strange odor” coming from the third floor and asked her husband about it. PennLive.com reporter Joel Elias fills in the rest:
Her husband, Jarrod Nicholas Tutko, went upstairs and came back with body of their 9-year-old son, Jarrod Jr., wrapped in a sheet and laid him on the bathroom floor, she said.
Believing the boy had just died, Kimberly Tutko said she pulled the sheet back and quickly realized he had been dead for several days.
Kimberly Tutko said her husband told her the child died on Tuesday.
“I said to him ‘Why didn’t you say anything?’” Kimberly Tutko said. “He said he was too afraid to say anything because of other kids in the house.”
Kimberly Tutko said she then called 911.Thirty-eight-year-old Jarrod Sr. has been “charged with endangering the welfare of children, concealing the death of a child and abuse of a corpse.” Mr. Tutko has not been charged.
Finally, we offer an item that is not technically an ISDP incident, but which we believe ISDP fans will find intriguing. There was olfactory mayhem at the Alameda County coroner’s bureau in Oakland, California, when the staff opened a body bag received earlier in the day from a funeral home. The remains were those of a mechanic whose “body had been found partially decomposed in his garage where he worked on cars.” The remains gave off “an excessively foul odor” so strong that the coroner’s staff bailed and the building was evacuated.
According to investigators, the funeral home had applied something called Smelleze Eco Corpse Deodorizer to the mechanic’s remains; however the treatment was not thought to be the cause of noxious odor.

Just FYI, the Smelleze product is available from Amazon, at $16.99 for a 2 lb. container. [Order through the Amazon button on FirstNerve and we’ll get a few pennies at no cost to you!—Ed.] The ad copy is priceless: “For a breath of fresh air, simply sprinkle Smelleze® on corpse and smell the difference.”
The customer reviews are even better (click to enlarge).

Happy shopping and see you next time!
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