Saturday, January 9, 2010

Germany Joins the Smelly Stamp Club

This week Germany’s Deutsche Post issued its first stamps with microencapsulated scent. The series of four plays it safe thematically and olfactively by celebrating domestically-grown fruits: apples, strawberries, lemons and huckleberries. (The Russians went fruity in 2003.)

Meanwhile last May, France tried to out-do Switzerland’s 2001 chocolate issue by releasing an entire 10-stamp candy bar. As they say at La Poste, Le bloc est imprégné d’une senteur chocolat.

German fruit and French chocolate? What’s wrong with the old cultural stereotypes? I’d love to smell a hoppy Oktoberfest commemorative or an airmail stamp celebrating the buttery baked croissant.

As for the money-losing U.S. Postal Service—they just missed a huge opportunity. Imagine a 75th birthday stamp for Elvis that smelled like a fried peanut butter, banana and bacon sandwich.

Ummmm . . . bacon.

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